Sixto Sugar Man Rodriquez: From Construction Worker to Receiving Royalties for Music Classics

May 2024 · 3 minute read

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Sugar Man's music was shared internationally, but no one gave him any recognition until the 2012 documentary, Searching for Sugar Man, which helped him attract international attention.

The musician's interesting story of international fame but not local fame in the United Stated ended in happiness for Sugar Man.

Sugar Man gets his music royalties after decades

According to GoodThingsGuy, Sugar Man created music in the 60s and 70s, which gained success in South Africa, New Zealand and other countries. Even though his music was a generational staple in South Africa, Sugar Man worked in construction, living paycheck-to-paycheck in America with no idea that he was famous.

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In 2012, Stephen “Sugar” Segerman and Craig Bartholomew Strydom created an award-winning documentary Searching for Sugar Man, which gave the legend musician international recognition.

As a result of the recognition, Sixto was able to fight for his royalties in court, and Sugar Man won the royalties due to him. The royalties were right on cue to ensure Sugar Man a comfortable retirement on his 80th birthday. Amazingly, Sugar Man holds no grudges for his delayed success on hits such as Sugar Man.

Sugar Man's fans were happy to see him perform

Fans love his show as many reacted to his show announcements on Sugar Man's social media posts.

@esantiago37 commented:

"The Myth, The Legend ❤️"

@aricept11 commented:

"I'm thrilled you are having concerts, you are the man Sugar Man."

@chopperthedude added:

"Man, we love your music so much. Wish you all the best from Moscow! We don't even wonder that you come with a concert here. You are awesome!"

@mymulberryhoney commented:

"Love Sixto Rodriguez. I have Searching for Sugar Man and two CDs. His story is so inspiring."

@josejuarez.robles wrote:

"Your music touches my soul."

Anita Baker wins 30 year fight for music rights, thanks to Chance the Rapper

Briefly News previously reported that Anita Baker won her music rights after a long fight. The singer is responsible for classic hits such as Sweet Love, No More Tears and Angel. Anita Baker is a legend who is influential to many, including US artist Chance the Rapper.

Until recently, the legendary singer Anita Baker did not own the masters to all her years' work, but this has changed after Chance the Rapper's sweet gesture.

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