The Singer Gained 14 Stones Following Her Pregnancy!

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

Lily Allen always had body image issues and the slightest weight gain used to bother her. When the singer gained 14 stones following her pregnancy, she took that weight gain the hardest because she didn't feel sexy. Lily Allen started taking the drug Adderall to lose weight rapidly with less effort and got addicted to it. Now, she's given up on drugs and is fit and healthy.

Lily Allen has always been an excellent performer and she has that innate ability to capture everyone's attention with her singing as well as acting. She oozes confidence and sexiness. However, there was a time when she felt less about herself because of weight gain. She said that she did not feel sexy after she gained 14 stones following her pregnancy. That was not a good time for her because she then became addicted to drugs. Learn about Lily Allen's weight gain and how she dealt with it in detail!

Also, check out the weight gain stories of Matt Damon and James Packer.

Lily Allen's Weight Gain: The Singer Had Body Image Issues and Thought About Getting Gastric Bypass Surgery!

Lily Allen (@lilyallen) appears fitter than ever and everything she has done to stay sober and maintain herself might have worked very well for her. She said in 2021 that she had been sober and had not smoked in two years and also that she exercised every day. Though the revelation came out as she lashed at someone calling her too skinny, it was great to know that she had been taking care of herself and not doing drugs to undo weight gain. And we have no reason to believe that things haven't been status-quo since then.

Lily Allen underwent a weight gain of 14 stones after her pregnancy. Lily Allen underwent a weight gain of 14 stones after her pregnancy.
Image Source: BBC

It was scary back when Lily Allen was bothered by her weight gain because she then began taking the drug Adderall and soon became addicted to it. The prescription medication frequently used to treat ADHD also causes people to lose weight rapidly. No wonder she got addicted to it. She must have felt like it was the perfect solution to her problem because she could lose weight without much effort in very little time.

It was about a decade ago but it still feels like it was only yesterday that Lily Allen was so obsessed with her weight gain. She had given birth to two babies and she had to go back out on the road again because she ran out of money after she had her youngest. But she had gained 14 stones and because of that, she said that she did not feel like a pop star at all.

It didn't help that Lily Allen ended up on tour in America supporting Miley Cyrus because it was a very highly sexualized tour. And because, as she said, she had spent the last three years pushing babies out and had pregnancy weight gain, she didn't feel sexy. So, she started taking Adderall which was like speed to lose weight and she soon got addicted to it as it made her feel invincible.

Lily Allen started taking Adderall to lose weight and soon became addicted to it. Lily Allen started taking Adderall to lose weight and soon became addicted to it.
Image Source: People

How things turned out for the singer because of that pregnancy weight gain was really sad but not very shocking because Lily Allen already had body dysmorphic disorder. And she was never going to do well after gaining 14 stones. Way before she had kids, when she was asked what she saw in the mirror, she said that she saw someone who is more overweight than they actually are in the mirror. It was not long after she wrote about getting surgery to lose weight in her blog.

I used to pride myself on being strong minded and not being some stupid girl obsessed with the way I look. I felt like it didnt matter if I was a bit chubby cause, im not a model, I'm a singer. I'm afraid I am not strong and have fallen victim to the evil machine. I write to you in a sea of tears from my hotel bed in Seattle. I have spent the past hour researching gastric bypass surgery and laser liposuction.

Lily Allen isn't bothered by weight gain now and is fitter and healthier than ever. Lily Allen isn't bothered by weight gain now and is fitter and healthier than ever.
Image Source: Irish News

And to think that Lily Allen hadn't even undergone proper weight gain and it must have been minor routine fluctuations. That's way too scary an obsession with weight. Though shortly after, the Smile hitmaker said that she didn't really care about how much weight she had gained, she continued to be touchy whenever anyone mentioned her weight and everybody could tell that it bothered her.

Remember when Lily Allen went off on Katie Hopkins? Hopkins commented, rather classlessly, on the singer's weight gain and said that she looked pretty hideous after gaining two stones after pregnancy. And Allen shut her off. It was nothing less than Hopkins deserved but it was at her expense. She responded via a tweet saying,

Yes, after tragically losing a child so late into my pregnancy I may have gained a few pounds. I am one of many that find comfort in food. The two pregnancies that followed were terrifying because of what had happened before and I was pretty much on bed rest for 20 months. I wasn't exercising because I didn't want to take any risks, and, funnily enough, the survival of my children felt more important than being thin.

Now, Lily Allen is in a much better place and she looks fit and healthy. Such days when she used to lash out at people for commenting on her weight gain no matter how inappropriate are gone now.
