SASSA R350 grant post office not selected, meaning and resolution 2023

May 2024 ยท 3 minute read

The SASSA R350 Social Relief of Distress Grant was introduced in South Africa to offer vital financial support to unemployed residents during the COVID-19 pandemic. The applications that reopened in August 2022 saw millions apply for the relief grant. However, many SRD grant applicants have complained that their SRD R350 application status displays "SASSA R350 grant post office not selected" in the post office field. So, what is the meaning of the SASSA post office not selected? Here are the answers!

The South African government's R350 grant was a measure to fast-track economic recovery. Specifically, it aims to provide relief funds for the less privileged and the unemployed. Below are steps to follow to check your SASSA R350 payday in 2023.

How do I select a post office for the SASSA SRD grant?

Eligible persons can select their preferred post office for the R350 grant. Here's how to choose a post office for SASSA.

What does the SASSA R350 grant post office not selected mean?

Generally, this means that applicants, especially those who wish to collect their grants from the post office, choose a preferred or particular post office location to be paid at the said post office. Applicants can visit the official website of the SRD R350 grant to choose the South African Post Office (SAPO) location for convenience and collection.

What does it mean when your SASSA status says approved but not selected?

If your grant is approved but indicates not selected, the payment has yet to be processed but will soon be processed. This could be a result of failed bank account verification process by the National Treasury. The beneficiaries must provide their banking details, as their funds will not be paid into another person's bank account. This is to avoid fraudulent activities and ensure the right person receives the payment.

The phone number on which the cash payment can be disbursed must be registered in their name. SASSA makes no grant payment to unlisted phone numbers. The grant is still being prepared for collection if there is no SMS. This SMS would notify the recipient that their SRD award is ready for collection. They can then go to their local Checkers, PicknPay, or Boxer Stores to pick up their grant.

SRD R350 grant resolution in 2023

SASSA has publicly announced that the R350 grant applicants will no longer receive their payments via the South African Post Office in 2023. The spokesperson for SASSA also took the initiative to explain why the grants will no longer be accessible at the post offices.

The Social Relief of Distress Grant is available to South African citizens, refugees, asylum seekers, and holders of special permits between the ages of 18 and 60 who have insufficient resources and do not qualify for UIF payments, receive other social grants, or contribute to the fund.

READ ALSO: GovChat SASSA application 2022: Steps to apply for your grant online

We recently published about GovChat, an application that provides every South African netizen with an opportunity to take part in improving the lives of all citizens.

It creates a platform where every citizen plays an active role in governance via mobile phone or computer. GovChat and SASSA have collaborated to make it easier for netizens to access the SRD R350 through the GovChat SASSA application.
