Dylon Kelly Motorcycle Accident; Fort Stewart Soldier, Dylon Kelly Passes Away killed In Motorcycle

May 2024 · 2 minute read

Shallow depth of field image taken of yellow law enforcement line with police car and lights in the background.

Dylon Kelly Motorcycle Accident; Fort Stewart Soldier, Dylon Kelly Passes Away killed In Motorcycle Crash

Highway 67, close to Statesboro, was the location of a tragic event that occurred on Thursday, which resulted in the tragic loss of a vibrant life.

The unfortunate death of the deceased, who has been identified as Dylon Andrew Kelly, a soldier from Fort Stewart who was 21 years old, occurred as a result of a motorcycle accident.

Trooper Tommy Strickland, a senior member of the Georgia State Patrol, presented information regarding the event, which took place at approximately 6:15 p.m.

There was a man named Gincy Romano, 37, who lived on Highway 280 in Pembroke. Kelly was riding his motorcycle behind him.

Romano was getting about to make a left turn into a private drive as they were traveling north on Highway 67 close to Emit Grove Church Road.

The General Services Police Specialized Collision Reconstruction Team is currently conducting an investigation into the events that led up to the unfortunate collision.

From the preliminary results, it appears that Kelly may have attempted to pass Romano or swerved due to the proximity of the two vehicles, which ultimately led to a collision with Romano’s van.

It was determined that Dylon Andrew Kelly had passed away at the scene, despite the fast response and efforts that were made.

The community of Fort Stewart is left with an indelible impact as a result of the passing of a young and promising life such as that of Dylon.

While we are saddened by the loss of this courageous man, we want to express our thoughts and sympathies to Dylon’s family and friends during this trying time.

While the inquiry is still ongoing, we are waiting for additional data that will throw light on the circumstances that surrounded this tragic event.

May the soul of Dylon Andrew Kelly rest in peace, and may his legacy serve as a reminder to make safety on the roads a top priority, so minimizing the occurrence of tragedies of this magnitude in the future.
